Localization, negotiation and acquisition of urban and rural land for the construction of residential, tourist, commercial, industrial and agricultural real estate developments in Mexico.
Assistance in the legal process (civil, commercial and administrative law) for the preparation of feasibility studies of all types of real estate projects.
Negotiation and acquisition of “community owned property” such as land or beaches.
Compliance with federal, state and municipal legislation applicable to foreign investment, Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone (beaches), environmental, tourism, commercial, industrial, construction and agricultural regulations.
The preparation, negotiation and formalization of all types of contracts related to real estate activity, such as the constitution of a condominium property, rights of way, etc.
Negotiation with CFE and federal, state and municipal authorities to obtain electricity, water and drainage services.
The constitution of Mexican legal entities with the participation of foreign investment, whose social objective is to acquire urban and rural properties to carry out real estate, tourist, commercial, industrial and agricultural developments.